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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Kerja Keras dan Ketulusan Itu Membuahkan Hasil.. :')

Meski udah telat, gw mau ngucapin selamat ulang tahun dulu buat Taka ONE OK ROCK yang tanggal 17 kemaren genap usianya menjadi 24!!


Dan... gw mau ceritain gimana gw dan temen OORer lainnya ngerayain ultah Taka kemaren. Kebetulan, sehari sebelumnya, gw udah nyiapin editan gambar khusus buat ultah Taka.  Dan pict ini rencananya bakal gw pake selama seminggu di twitter sama facebook... (tapi ga pas banget size nya lol xD)

Kemaren, di twitter, kita rame-rame ngucapin happy birthday buat Taka. Kebetulan pake hashtag dari OORer Jepang, tapi beberapa tweet gw juga ada yg pake hashtag #HBDTaka sih.. sebenernya mau nge-share isi tweet gw kemaren, tapi kayaknya udah tenggelem sama tweet gw yang baru deh hahaha xD

Monday, April 16, 2012

Inspiring Taka...

When I quit where I was before (NEWS), I also quit school. And at that time I was disowned by my parents, I lost everything. I wanted to try and believe, I wanted to penetrate what it was I wanted to do. But to be honest it was really hard. Because, I didn’t have confidence in anything any more…
But, whatever I might have lost I still thought I knew where it was I wanted to be. I swore at that time to face the people I troubled, my parents, the people who I betrayed and I would do my best. From here lets get up high! With that in mind, first I wanted to set a piano, guitar and vocal ballad centered band, only there I thought I could sing and be deep in my whereabouts.
At a live Toru came. “Lets make a band together!” he said. By all means if they were serious, Toru’s words I thought I would see what would come of them. If I’m with them I could seriously strike at something I came to think.
I, till now have always lived thinking I was alone. The fact was I was alone… not opening my heart to many people…but when I met with the members I have now, making people who ask for our sound, I can think I am not alone. Now, I feel the happiness of making my first friends. Because of that maybe, the lyrics lately little by little are changing. With each experience I think that ONE OK ROCK’s sound and songs I want to keep them alive. Each growth I wanted to work hard for and see.
— Taka (2008)
Ngok banget gw baca post ini malem-malem. Gw pertama baca di Tumblr, ternyata di Fanpage Taka di Facebook juga di-post. Nangis gw brooo, jadi pengen peluk Taka, ngeyakinin kalo dia nggak sendirian. Bahkan dia dapet cinta ya banyaaaaaak banget dari fans. Seandainya Taka tahu betapa besar rasa terima kasih fans nya buat dia.... :')

Detik ini gw lagi dengerin OOR biasa... tapi sekarang beda bro rasanya. Gw berasa makin dalem aja dengerinnya. Taka, you're really the best vocalist now, and you've changed a lot of people with your positive influence and inspiring life... and you're not alone, many people love you. Keep rockin'!! x'D

n.b: kalo seandainya hadiah scrapbook bener-bener nyampe ke Taka, semoga dia seneng ya.. :')

Friday, April 13, 2012

Perjalanan Gw Ngirim Scrapbook Buat Ultah Taka

Ehem.. jadi beberapa minggu ini gw rada disibukkan oleh fanbase project OOR Indonesia untuk pertama kalinya. Ini mungkin project gede pertama buat fanbase, tapi ini bener-bener project gw bikin scrapbook UNTUK YANG PERTAMA KALI!! Sebenernya gw rada nggak pede gw bisa ngerjain scrapbook ini. Gw nggak jago design, gw nggak kreatif, dan gw ga biasa bikin prakarya. Lengkap sudah hahaha! Iya, gw cuma punya modal cinta sama hati yang tulus. Project ini gw pikirin buat ultah Taka tanggal 17 April. Awalnya gw sama temen-temen yang lain bikin project ini cuma buat fanbase kita aja, tapi akhirnya di-publish di facebook ONE OK ROCK Fans Unite. Jadilah ada yang berpartisipasi dari negara lain.

Tanggal 10 Maret, project ini diumumin di fanbase dan deadline pengiriman birthday message, fanart, foto, dll, itu tanggal 25 Maret, sempet juga mengalami perpanjangan waktu sampe 29 Maret buat temen-temen dari luar. Proses pembuatan scrapbook cukup menguras tenaga, waktu, dan duit gw. Tapi gw makasih banget buat una sama dian yang udah ngizinin gw untuk memperkosa printernya hahaha xD

Monday, April 9, 2012

ONE OK ROCK Asian Tour!

Decide to make something regarding to my feeling about ONE OK ROCK First Asian Tour T.T
Click the picture for original size..