Saya nulis tulisan ini terilhami dari film dan anime Death Note. Pasti pada bilang aneh deh, kok bisa terinspirasi dari film, anime pula . Yah, setidaknya saya dapet sesuatu dari apa yang saya lihat dan saya dengar, kan? Buktinya saya bisa ngelanjutin nulis di blog hehe ..
Sekilas Tentang Death Note
(n.b: sebelumnya mau ngasih tau, saya ngulas dari apa yang saya dapat di film. Jadi nggak ada hubungannya sama dunia nyata..okey??)
Death Note atau kalo bahasa indonesianya catatan kematian adalah sebuah catatan yang dimiliki oleh dewa kematian (shinigami). Dalam buku ini ada beberapa peraturan bagaimana cara menggunakannya dan peraturan lainnya. Bukunya itu warna hitam dan ada tulisan Death Note di dalamnya. Setiap yang menyentuh buku ini akan dapat melihat shinigami. Siapapu yang menemukan buku ini pertama kali, dia akan jadi pemiliknya, namun kepemilikan ini bisa dipindahtangankan, dengan catatan pemilik sebelumnya akan dihapus semua memorinya yang berhubungan dengan death note ini.
Bagaimana cara menggunakan Death Note?
Maaf nih ngasihnya bahasa inggris, soalnya dari bukunya kayak gitu. Kalo diartiin takutnya beda, kan jadi nggak seru
. Jumlah peraturannya ada 113. Kayak gini nih peraturannya kalo dari daleman bukunya (ini baru sebagian):
- The human whose name is written in this note will die
- The note will not take effect unless the writer has the persons face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore people sharing the same name will not be effected
- If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the persons name it will happen
- If the cause of death is not specified the person will simply die of a heart attack
- After Writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written n the next six minutes and 40 seconds
- This note shall become property of the human world once it touches the ground of(arrives in) the human world
- The owner of the note can recognize the image and voice of original owner, I.E. a god of death
- The human who uses this note can neither go to Heaven or Hell
- If the time of death it written within 40 seconds of writing the cause of death as a heart attack the time of death can be manipulated and the time can go into effect within 40 seconds after writing the name
- The human who touches the Death Note can recognize the image and voice of its original owner a god of death even if the human is not the owner of the note
- The person in possession of the Death Note is possessed by the god of death, its original owner, until they die
- If a human uses the note, a god of death usually appears in front of him/her within 39 days after he/she uses the note
- Gods of death the original owners of the Death Note do not do in principle anything which will help or prevent the deaths in the note
- A god of death has no obligation to completely explain how to use the note or the rules which will apply to the human who uses it
- A god of death will extend his life by putting human names on the note but humans cannot
- A person can shorten his or her own life by using the note
- The human who becomes the owner of the Death Note can in exchange of half of his/her remaining life get the eyeballs of the god of death which will enable him/her to see a humans name and remaining lifetime when looking through them
- A god of death cannot be killed even if stabbed in his heart or shot in the head with a gun. However there are ways to kill a god of death which are generally not known to the gods of death
- The conditions for death will be realized unless it is physically possible for that human or it is reasonably assumed to be carried out by that Human
- The specific scope of the condition for death is not known to the gods of death either. So you must examine and find out.
Banyak juga ya ternyata...saya aja sampe nggak ngerti
. Tetapi saya tertarik banget sama point ke 8 dan 17. Itu mengenai pemilik Death Note nggak bisa ke surga maupun ke neraka, jadi kira2 dia kemana ya perginya habis meninggal? Jadi hantu penasarankah?
Terus mengenai pemilik Death Note dapat mendapatkan bola mata shinigami dengan menukar separuh lifespan/ time remaining (maksudnya masa hidupnya), yg mana mata shinigami ini bisa dipake untuk ngeliat nama dan lifespan si objek. Lha, terus namanya buat apa? ya buat ditulis di Death Note lah yaa... widiw, asik bener bisa tau masa hidupnya orang... Btw, nggak usah dipikirin terlalu jauh, namanya juga fiksi coyy.. Tapi kalo dieksplor kok asik juga ya haha. Korban cerita fiksi nih.
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